Source code for here_location_services.geocoding_search_api

# Copyright (C) 2019-2021 HERE Europe B.V.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

"""This module contains classes for accessing `HERE Geocoding & Search API <>`_.
"""  # noqa: E501

from typing import Dict, List, Optional

import requests

from here_location_services.platform.auth import Auth

from .apis import Api
from .exceptions import ApiError

[docs]class GeocodingSearchApi(Api): """A class for accessing HERE Geocoding & search APIs."""
[docs] def __init__( self, api_key: Optional[str] = None, auth: Optional[Auth] = None, proxies: Optional[dict] = None, country: str = "row", ): super().__init__(api_key, auth=auth, proxies=proxies, country=country) self._base_url = "https://{0}.search.{1}"
[docs] def get_geocoding(self, query: str, limit: int = 20, lang: str = "en-US") -> requests.Response: """ Get point for given free-form search query. See further information here: |geocoder| .. |geocoder| raw:: html <a href="" target="_blank">Geocode</a> :param query: a string containing the query to make. :param limit: An int representing maximum number of results to be returned. Default value is 20. :param lang: A string to represent language to be used for result rendering from a list of BCP47 compliant Language Codes. :return: :class:`requests.Response` object. :raises ApiError: If ``status_code`` of API response is not 200. """ # noqa E501 path = "/v1/geocode" url = self._base_url.format("geocode", self._get_url_string()) + path params: dict = dict(q=query, limit=limit, lang=lang) resp = self.get(url, params=params, proxies=self.proxies) if resp.status_code == 200: return resp else: raise ApiError(resp)
[docs] def get_reverse_geocoding( self, lat: float, lng: float, limit: int = 1, lang: str = "en-US" ) -> requests.Response: """Get address for given latitude and longitude. See further information here: |reverse_geocode| .. |reverse_geocode| raw:: html <a href="" target="_blank">Reverse Geocode</a> :param lat: A float representing latitude of point. :param lng: A float representing longitude of point. :param limit: An int representing maximum number of results to be returned. Default value is 1. :param lang: A string to represent language to be used for result rendering from a list of BCP47 compliant Language Codes. :return: :class:`requests.Response` object. :raises ApiError: If ``status_code`` of API response is not 200. """ # noqa E501 path = "/v1/revgeocode" url = self._base_url.format("geocode", self._get_url_string()) + path params: dict = dict(at=f"{lat},{lng}", limit=limit, lang=lang) resp = self.get(url, params=params, proxies=self.proxies) if resp.status_code == 200: return resp else: raise ApiError(resp)
[docs] def get_search_discover( self, query: str, center: Optional[List[float]] = None, radius: Optional[int] = None, country_codes: Optional[List] = None, bounding_box: Optional[List[float]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, lang: Optional[str] = None, ) -> requests.Response: """Search places using Location Services discover endpoint. This method uses location services ``discover`` endpoint to search places based on query which is free-form text. :param query: A string representing free-test query to search places. :param center: A list of latitude and longitude representing the center for search query. :param radius: A radius in meters along with center for searching places. :param country_codes: A list of ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country codes. :param bounding_box: A bounding box, provided as west longitude, south latitude, east longitude, north latitude. :param limit: An int representing maximum number of results to be returned. :param lang: A string to represent language to be used for result rendering from a list of BCP47 compliant Language Codes. :return: :class:`requests.Response` object. :raises ApiError: If ``status_code`` of API response is not 200. """ path = "/v1/discover" url = self._base_url.format("discover", self._get_url_string()) + path params: Dict[str, str] = {"q": query} if center is not None and radius is not None: circle = "circle:" + ",".join([str(x) for x in center]) params["in"] = circle + f";r={radius}" elif center is not None and country_codes: params["at"] = ",".join([str(x) for x in center]) params["in"] = "countryCode:" + ",".join([str(x) for x in country_codes]) elif bounding_box: params["in"] = "bbox:" + ",".join([str(x) for x in bounding_box]) if lang: params["lang"] = lang if limit: params["limit"] = str(limit) resp = self.get(url, params=params, proxies=self.proxies) if resp.status_code == 200: return resp else: raise ApiError(resp)
[docs] def get_search_browse( self, center: List, radius: Optional[int] = None, country_codes: Optional[List] = None, bounding_box: Optional[List[float]] = None, categories: Optional[List] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, lang: Optional[str] = None, ) -> requests.Response: """Get search results for places based on different filters such as categories or name. :param center: A list of latitude and longitude representing the center for search query. :param radius: A radius in meters along with center for searching places. :param country_codes: A list of ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country codes. :param bounding_box: A bounding box, provided as west longitude, south latitude, east longitude, north latitude. :param categories: A List of strings of category-ids. :param limit: An int representing maximum number of results to be returned. :param name: A string representing Full-text filter on POI names/titles. :param lang: A string to represent language to be used for result rendering from a list of BCP47 compliant Language Codes. :return: :class:`requests.Response` object. :raises ApiError: If ``status_code`` of API response is not 200. """ path = "/v1/browse" url = self._base_url.format("browse", self._get_url_string()) + path params: Dict[str, str] = {"at": ",".join([str(x) for x in center])} if radius is not None: params["area"] = "circle:" + ",".join([str(x) for x in center]) + f";r={radius}" elif country_codes: params["area"] = "countryCode:" + ",".join([str(c) for c in country_codes]) elif bounding_box: params["area"] = "bbox:" + ",".join([str(b) for b in bounding_box]) if categories: params["categories"] = ",".join(categories) if name: params["name"] = name if limit: params["limit"] = str(limit) if lang: params["lang"] = lang resp = self.get(url, params=params, proxies=self.proxies) if resp.status_code == 200: return resp else: raise ApiError(resp)
[docs] def get_search_lookup(self, location_id: str, lang: Optional[str] = None) -> requests.Response: """ Get search results by providing ``location_id``. :param location_id: A string representing id. :param lang: A string to represent language to be used for result rendering from a list of BCP47 compliant Language Codes. :return: :class:`requests.Response` object. :raises ApiError: If ``status_code`` of API response is not 200. """ path = "/v1/lookup" url = self._base_url.format("lookup", self._get_url_string()) + path params: Dict[str, str] = {"id": location_id} if lang: params["lang"] = lang resp = self.get(url, params=params, proxies=self.proxies) if resp.status_code == 200: return resp else: raise ApiError(resp)