here_location_services.config.routing_config module

This module defines all the configs which will be required as inputs to routing APIs.

class here_location_services.config.routing_config.RoutingReturn(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: here_location_services.config.base_config.Bunch

A class to define constant attributes which are included in routing API’s response as part of the data representation of route or section.

  • polyline - Polyline for the route in Flexible Polyline Encoding. Either a 2D polyline (without elevation specified) or a 3D polyline with the 3rd dimension type Elevation (with elevation specified).

  • actions - Actions (such as maneuvers or tasks) that must be taken to complete the section.

  • instructions - Include instructions in returned actions. Instructions are localized to the requested language.

  • summary - Include a summary for the section.

  • travelSummary - Include a summary for the travel portion of the section.

  • turnByTurnActions - Include all information necessary to support turn by turn guidance to complete the section.

  • mlDuration - Use a region-specific machine learning model to calculate route duration. Disclaimer: This parameter is currently in beta release, and is therefore subject to breaking changes.

  • elevation - Include elevation information in coordinate and geometry types. See e.g. polyline or location.

  • routeHandle - Encode calculated route and return a handle which can be used with routes/{routeHandle} to decode the route at a later point in time.

  • incidents - Include a list of all incidents applicable to each section.

Following restrictions apply when specifying return parameter:

  • If actions is requested, then polyline must also be requested as well.

  • If instructions is requested, then actions must also be requested as well.

  • If turnByTurnActions is requested, then polyline must also be requested as well.

  • If at least one attribute is requested within the spans parameter, then polyline must be requested as well.

here_location_services.config.routing_config.ROUTING_RETURN = {'actions': 'actions', 'elevation': 'elevation', 'incidents': 'incidents', 'instructions': 'instructions', 'mlDuration': 'mlDuration', 'passthrough': 'passthrough', 'polyline': 'polyline', 'routeHandle': 'routeHandle', 'summary': 'summary', 'travelSummary': 'travelSummary', 'turnByTurnActions': 'turnByTurnActions'}

Use this config for return attributes from routing API for param return_results. Example: To return polyline in results use ROUTING_RETURN.polyline.

class here_location_services.config.routing_config.RoutingSpans(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: here_location_services.config.base_config.Bunch

A class to define constant attributes which are included in the response spans.

walkAttributes streetAttributes carAttributes truckAttributes scooterAttributes names length duration baseDuration countryCode functionalClass routeNumbers speedLimit maxSpeed dynamicSpeedInfo segmentId segmentRef consumption.

here_location_services.config.routing_config.ROUTING_SPANS = {'baseDuration': 'baseDuration', 'carAttributes': 'streetAttributes', 'consumption': 'consumption', 'countryCode': 'countryCode', 'duration': 'duration', 'dynamicSpeedInfo': 'dynamicSpeedInfo', 'functionalClass': 'functionalClass', 'length': 'length', 'maxSpeed': 'maxSpeed', 'names': 'names', 'routeNumbers': 'routeNumbers', 'scooterAttributes': 'scooterAttributes', 'segmentId': 'segmentId', 'segmentRef': 'segmentRef', 'speedLimit': 'speedLimit', 'streetAttributes': 'streetAttributes', 'truckAttributes': 'truckAttributes', 'walkAttributes': 'walkAttributes'}

Use this config for spans of routing API. Example: for walkAttributes routing_mode use ROUTING_SPANS.walkAttributes.

class here_location_services.config.routing_config.RoutingTransportMode(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: here_location_services.config.base_config.Bunch

A class to define constant attributes for mode of transport to be used for the calculation of the route.

  • car

  • truck

  • pedestrian

  • bicycle

  • scooter

here_location_services.config.routing_config.ROUTING_TRANSPORT_MODE = {'bicycle': 'bicycle', 'car': 'car', 'pedestrian': 'pedestrian', 'scooter': 'scooter', 'truck': 'truck'}

Use this config for transport_mode of routing API. Example: for car transport_mode use

class here_location_services.config.routing_config.RouteCourse(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: here_location_services.config.base_config.Bunch

A class to define constant attributes for Course option.

class here_location_services.config.routing_config.RouteMatchSideOfStreet(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: here_location_services.config.base_config.Bunch

A class to define constant attribuites for matchSideOfStreet.

here_location_services.config.routing_config.ROUTE_MATCH_SIDEOF_STREET = {'always': 'always', 'onlyIfDivided': 'onlyIfDivided'}

Use this config for transport_mode of routing API. Example: for car transport_mode use

class here_location_services.config.routing_config.AvoidFeatures(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: here_location_services.config.base_config.Bunch

A class to define constant values for features to avoid during route calculation.

here_location_services.config.routing_config.AVOID_FEATURES = {'carShuttleTrain': 'carShuttleTrain', 'controlledAccessHighway': 'controlledAccessHighway', 'difficultTurns': 'difficultTurns', 'dirtRoad': 'dirtRoad', 'ferry': 'ferry', 'seasonalClosure': 'seasonalClosure', 'tollRoad': 'tollRoad', 'tunnel': 'tunnel'}

Use this config for match_sideof_street for PlaceOptions. Example: for match_sideof_street always use ROUTE_MATCH_SIDEOF_STREET.always.

class here_location_services.config.routing_config.Scooter(allow_highway)[source]

Bases: object

A class to define attributes specific for the scooter route.

Scooter specific parameters:

allowHighway: Specifies whether the scooter is allowed on the highway or not. This parameter is optional. If not provided, then by default scooter is not allowed to use highway. There is a similar parameter avoid[features]=controlledAccessHighway to disallow highway usage. avoid[features] takes precedence so if this parameter is also used then scooters are not allowed to use highways even if allowHighway is used with value as true. Possible values: true: scooter is allowed to use the highway. false: scooter is not allowed to use the highway.


allow_highway (bool) –


allow_highway (bool) –


Return string representation of this instance.

class here_location_services.config.routing_config.Via(lat, lng, place_options=None, waypoint_options=None)[source]

Bases: object

A class to define via waypoint.

A via waypoint is a location between origin and destination. The route will do a stop at the via waypoint.

__init__(lat, lng, place_options=None, waypoint_options=None)[source]